Monday, July 13, 2009

A Lil' Bit of Craftiness!!

Hey Hey Everyone! Over the summer I have had a little extra time to really work on some things that I have wanted to do for a long time! I have had so many people love the things that I have made so far, that I have decided to try and start a little side business doing these things! Today I am posting just a few pictures of what I have done recently. I have 2 more projects to work on this week, and will post pictures of them later. If you know anyone that would be interested in having any of these things made, let me know and we can discuss pricing based on what you/they would like. I would appreciate it if you would help me spread the word and jumpstart this little side business!! Please email me if you have any questions to
Here is a little bit of what I have done so far....
This is a diaper cake I made with my friend Terri for her daughter's baby shower! Her theme for her little girl is pink ladybugs and paisley. It turned out really cute!


I also made these letters for the same friend. They coordinated with her baby bedding and will hang on the wall above her crib. I can paint any type of shape or surface that you might like, for example, a door hanger, or small sign, a box, or a chest...anything! I will be posting some other examples of these soon!

Again, any way you might be able to spread the word for me would be awesome!
Next.....on to a new post of our recent family vacation!!!
Love to all of you!

1 comment:

TriciaNae said...

Kaylee...those are soo cute! I will be keeping you in mind.