Sunday, November 1, 2009


This Halloween was extra fun! For the first time, Everett was able to go door to door trick-or-treating! We all had a lot of fun! He had such a great time! We took the wagon, and trecked all up and down the neighborhood! At each house, Everett would get out, go up to the door and wait for Momma or Daddy to ring the doorbell! When someone answered he would say "TREAT"! It was the cutest thing! Once he received his 'treat', he would say "Thank you, bye"....precious! The weather was beautiful, too! He loved his monkey costume and sported it the whole time without complaining! We wanted to share some pictures from our night! Enjoy!

Chris and I...with our little monkey!

Monkey Boy!

The sweet stuff!

Our carved pumpkins!

Everett posing on the hay with our pumpkins!
He loved looking at them!

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